Price from:
730,00 BGN
with VAT / month
Calculator information* * All prices include VAT.
**Financial parameters are exemplary and are valid for business customers. For an offer for individuals - please contact us. Additional costs related to transaction servicing commissions are not included in the stated lease installment.
*** The indicated mileage limit is valid only in relation to the included costs and services for the entire term of the Agreement.
**** The stated service costs for vehicle maintenance are based on the Service Provider's recommendations, in accordance with the stated mileage limit.
***** All stated amounts are in Euros or BGN.

Peugeot 2008 PureTech 130

The images and video materials used are exemplary. Differences in the technical specifications and equipment of the cars are possible. You can get more information about a specific car from us.



С линии, които са едновременно плавни и солидни, и с увеличен пътен просвет, SUV PEUGEOT 2008 осигурява мощност и икономичност.  Неговият профил разкрива елегантните му изваяни страни, придавайки му динамичен стил.  Изразителната му предна част, отличителният му светлинен подпис, 18-инчовите джанти, олекотени с аеродинамични елементиi, хоризонталният преден капак с блестяща черна лента  и покривът Black Diamond  утвърждават неговия спортен, непокорен характер.